Good evening Doss Families –
Happy Spring Break! I hope you are all enjoying the week off, may we all return refreshed, energized, and ready to achieve our personal best.
Austin ISD Pride Week is March 20 – 24, 2023. You may click the link to see the Doss Pride Week Letter. Reach out to Principal Sheridan if you have any questions.
I am a dog person, I think they are the cutest but for the safety of all people on campus we do not allow dogs on campus. Thank you for being considerate of others.
We are having issues with students and families being respectful to our crossing guards and not following their directions. Remember they are working for our students and families so you may safely cross the street as you walk or bike to and from school.
A few reminders from last week’s update:
- Soon we will begin the class placement process in preparation for the 2023-2024 school year. Part of this process is giving parents and caregivers an opportunity to share any important information they believe should be considered in the placement of their child/children. This should be important information the school or current teacher may not be aware of. This is not mandatory, but we welcome any feedback you’d like to share. I will be accepting feedback until April 14th at 4pm. Please use this 23-24 Parent Feedback for Class Placement form.
- Don’t forget to register your child(ren) for the 23-24 school year! Our goal is to have all families registered by spring break(NOW), which is important for us when staffing for the next school year. Register each child through your AISD parent portal. Contact Ms. Minford, for assistance.
- Smartwatches are no longer allowed. They will be treated like phones and they must be off and stored in the student’s backpack during the school day.
Have a wonderful week,
Principal Sheridan